Friday, December 30, 2011

Last day of work for the Year :( !

Work from 1pm-9pm today ! Super sleepy and tired ~.~ Although it's just 8hrs, STILL TIRED ! Anyway, need to rush some assignment by this few days ! Firstly, iHCI sucks ttm ~ Our lecturer, Chrys totally have no balls & he can't even explain himself properly ! Giving him a call to ask about the assignment is totally a waste of time, because the answer he gave you is bullshit ~ SOYA, iHCI sure fail :( Next will be OOPG, the easiest assignment of all :D ! However, still need help from Dr.Nalaka ! OOPG no worries, sure A/B ~ *hehehe* One more assignment is regarding IWT, *boringgggg* ! Partly, lecturer is MsHo..... She anyhow teach, we anyhow learn ! But still not so terrible yet, manageable ~ Second worst module, CMSK ! I don't understand a single shit about green building please =.= ! Shall leave that aside too ! BEST MODULE OF ALL, COLOR && CO. <3 Although the lecturer's attitude sucks like ~!@#$%^&*(() ! But that module is FUN :D So ya, a 2week holiday with so much assignment just sucks to-the-max-max-max-max-max !

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