Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sigh :(

Well, last night was quite a bad night for me..... Working with Pearlie, and I totally got no mood to serve ~ And WX called us, telling us Shermaine asked about our uniform, zZz ! I think she's just trying to find trouble with me, seriously.... Then ask us not to talk, AT ALL ~ I think it's totally bullshit k ? She's just against me & Pearlie, zZzZz ~ So ya, 3 hr pass fast, and meet up with GL, Yazi, BFF & some strangers ? Well, awkward meet up, shall not comment anything about that ~ Cab to XY house with Yazi ! Borrowed color pencil from them, to realize that the color pencil was mine, I gave them a few years ago :/

But anyway, headed home & started tracing, zZzZzZzZz...... And I've finished drawing the design to the paper already ! Left coloring & research, then I'm done with this damn WDS.... Yesterday really wasn't my day, like so damn sway ! Skipped dinner last night, and ate insane noodle in the midnight, accidentally spill the soup to my iPhone, *MOODLESS* ! Kinda fucked up already, zZz ~~ Anyway, went to sleep around 3am I think ? Now I'm on the way to school, seriously was hoping today to be a normal day, no need very good or whatsoever :(

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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