Monday, February 14, 2011

I'll be there ♥


Yesterday had a great steamboat session with my dearest cliques ! Went BFF house around 2 plus, waited for the others to come...... Wait till 4pm -.- ! But anyway, they came over & started with our steamboat :) Ate damn lot & the food is kinda insufficient ! Went downstairs & bought food, and back her house continue eating ~

All the way till 8 plus ? Baby gave me his present, how sweet of him to make a iPhone casing of his own using blink blink ! And the design is my favourite Mickey mouse ♥ But anyway, went back home around 10pm & it's my turn to give him my present ! Bought him a Zinc Bagpack, and he love it alot :) I'm glad that he likes !

Today went schooling with baby, and people around are carrying bouquet of roses ! In school, outside school ~ School was alright, did revision for tomorrow's practical test, should be no problem la ! All the way till 6pm, school end :D

Went Nihon Mura for dinner with Yvonne, Ervin & Baby ♥ ! Ate only a bowl of Plain Udon, Chawamushi, and 2 plates of sushi ! But I'm already damn damn full I swear ~ After that went hunting for boxes for baby's anniversary present ! And I'm finally done ~ So ya, wish me luck for tomorrow practical test !


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