Tuesday, July 6, 2010

School starts !

Dingdong ! I'm back to update bout my life again ~ Well, yesterday was the first day of school for every ITE student ! But not for me & baby... Both of us was sick, and skipped the school ! Took bus to Hougang, and meet up with Baby ~ He's coughing so terribly, ohmy ! And at the same time, I'm having a terrible flu ~ So both of us headed to Polyclinic, waited for hours just to see that doctor ~ And the consultant fee is so expensive ! But well, it's like no choice ? Back to Baby's house, took bag & then went dinner at Tampines Mall 

Today headed school, first lesson was slacking already ! Chatting with the others ~ Ain't doing any work or something, laughs ! Everybody's first day to school, is today ~ Anyway, I haven get my pay man ! Supposely, it should be yesterday . But, i think POSB breakdown ? So, my pay isn't in yet.. Will it be in later after 2pm ? I hope so ahhh ! Alright, I'm done updating ^^ I still love school day !

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