Tuesday, May 11, 2010

You're like a star, always with me (:

Im back updating againnnnn ! Hahahahaha (: Starting of the week, nothing much I guess ! Monday.... As usual elective ? Anyway, Mr KimSeng told us that supposely we have labs to do ! But, the labs have problem.. So, "Own Time Own Target" AGAIN ! And lesson starts at 9am, he said this like 915am ? So we got all the time to slack around -.- ! Anyway, had lecture lesson again ~ As usual, me & baby will be taking photo over and over again ! Nothing better to do, start to draw things on book :D After school headed back home, & dinner with family + baby too !

Okay, here's my tuesday ! Headed to school with baby, but I guess he's kinda tired.. Quite quiet along the way to school ? Went school, was doing lab & tmr I had a graded lab, MUST GO ~ But anyway, lecture lesson was boring boring boring ! Lunch at school, it's Fidah's birthday anyway ! Sang Birthday song for her, plus some cute cupcakes for her too ! Anyway, last lesson was kinda alright ? MsJoyce teach me how to configure those thingy & ask baby to encourage me so that we can both score well ! HAHAHA, She's cute la :D Lesson end around 3pm ? Went walking around Tamp area, while waiting for baby to end his revision for his coming pratical test ~ Alright, done blogging ! Off to sleep, baby is waiting for me :D


PS : Another 2 weeks, my suprise gonna be out :D !

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