Friday, May 21, 2010

Loving you (:

Skipped lesson today ! Hahaha, too tired to wake up ~ So went back to sleep, till around 930am, baby called me ! "Baby, Open the door" ! I was like, ah ? How sweet of him, to appear at my house early in the morning *smiles* ! I sleep for awhile more, and both of us went to buy breakfast home ~ Continued Cruel Temptation, all the way till last episode, *laugh* ! The ending as not so bad, & I teared xD But anyway, went to sleep awhile till 4pm o.O ? Baby went to work ~ Nothing much, I think human being are seriously weird creatures... Showing attitudes as they want, -.- ! Gotta study for Monday's long quiz ~ Wont be meeting Baby for the coming next 2 days, *sighs* ! But it's okay, 5 more days to 100 days ♥ Ohya, I'll be kinda busy for the coming days ~ Dont call me to go out, I think even for a meal, I'll be very lazy already !
  • Saturday : Acc didi to Parkway to buy his things for overseas!
  • Sunday : Study for WMMC longgggggg quiz, *dontwishtostudy*
  • Monday : Long quiz for WMMC, *faints* (I mean, tiring day for me!)
  • Tuesday : Project @ Baby's house after lesson, which is 3pm ?
  • Wednesday : 100DAYS w/ Baby, I had some suprise prepare for him ♥
  • Thursday : Niho Mura w/ Baby after lesson, *giggles* !

Remember that promise we made *smiles* ?

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