Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Happy 100 days !

Hellooo ! Im here to update bout my 100 days with Baby, & it's a great one :D Okay, on the 25th he came over my house and stay overnight ~ When it strike 12am, I gave Baby the present I prepared for him ! He's reaction was like, waaaaa... Anyway, it's a hand-made book with our photos & some short writing for him ! And me, busy explaining everything to him ~ What actually happened when Im doing that book for him, and he replied, "No Wonder!"

I hope he like the present, & I think he love it, right right right ?

Anyway, headed out home after lesson on 26th & get ourself changed ! Okay, this guy followed me blindly, w/out knowing where's our destination ~ Cos this is an outing planned by me, so he dont know anything ! Okay, 1st destination we headed off is to Bugis, for neoprints ~ He said, "Ohhhhhhhh!" when I walk towards that level ! Silly guy, next we went Pastamania for dinner ~ 2nd time having that with him, but it's still great as before ! Next we took MRT to Raffles Place, and walk to Esplanade ~ BUT, that's not our destination yet ! We're suppose to find the MRT station, then take to another place, but I cant seems to find it ~ Awwwhs, in the end we walk all the way ! Okay, this is the 1st time Im walking towards that place and I've no idea how should I walk over ! But, I managed to, w/out asking anybody, great right :D

Brought this silly guy to S'pore flyers, *giggles* ! You know how I managed to walk there, I keep tracked of the lights on the flyers and follow those light to lead my way, hahahaha ~ Anyway, Baby keep repeating this, "Baby, Thank you ley! Baby..." Isnt he silly, laughs ~ Oh, there's this promotion for student over there ! $1O per student, weekdays no matter what time as long as it's the operating time ~ Anyway, we thought we can like be in one cabin, with only the 2 of us ! But we gotta share it with a few people ~ But, it's still great going there together with Baby :D

Hahaha, purchase this keychain, 2 for $25 ! And it's kinda cute I must say ~ After that, the last place we headed off to is Helix Bridge ! That bridge was really nice and a beautiful place I must say ~ Walking around the bridge, and was chatting around with this silly guy of mine ! Telling him bout what happen, I've been asking around people, what do you think of when you see "100" this number ~ I got replies like, $100 & something like 100 marks ! But well, that's not the main point anyway ~ Chat till around 10 plus o.O ? Took Yellow line back home, & we're so super tired on the way home ~ Im super lazy, & Im dragging myself to bath ! Baby cant stand me also, keep chasing me to bath ~ He says: "Why are you so lazy har!?" Anyway, Baby's dad fetch him home after that & I went straight to sleep before Baby reach home !

PS : Overall, it's a super super super great & super super super sweet day out with Baby ♥

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