Saturday, April 3, 2010


Meet up with my boyfriend today ! Went walking around Tamp area, & saw XGBFF together with Jacky ~ Chatted awhile & went off, continued walking ! Bought some snacks, bread + sushi (◑‿◐) Around 7 plus, decided to go Temple ~ Reach there, help out with giving out the cakes ! Baby helped out too, kinda interesting ? & somebody says : THIS IS YOUR BOYFRIEND AH? NOT BAD LOOKING AH! Ya, that's all (◕‿-) ! Those people are so kinda, "KIASU" ! We distribute the cakes, & they seems so rush that they came in the kitchen to queue ~ Come on, we're got 4 cakes in the kitchen, it's more than enough (¬_¬) ! Around 10 plus, both of us left the Temple & took bus 17 back home ~ Was eating the Durian cake I takeaway from the Temple, so damn nice mannns ! *thumbsup* Went to bath, & was watching I not Stupid 2 ! The show is kinda, funny & lame is some way (¬_¬) But watch finish, & cook Instant noodles for Baby, me + didi ! After that Baby went home, his dad came to fetch him ~ Okay, today is a short but sweet day for me ! Cos I got Baby to accompany me ~ Tmr Baby gonna come over, & staying overnight ! Hahahaha, Im so excited & glad ~ He's off from work from tmr, all the way till friday ! That's kinda great, cos he'll have more time for me, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :]

PS : 有情人终成眷属哦 (●*∩_∩*●) !
PSS : Baby SOMEHOW knows my secret :[

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