Monday, March 1, 2010

Welcome marchhhh !

*dingdong* ! Miss foo is back posting bout her Sunday outing with Baby !

Supposely we are suppose to go out, with only the 2 of us .

But however, I asked the others out for movieee ~

It's okay la, we'll go dating someday ! So as usual, the 6 of us went out ~

Went Nihon Mura for lunch w/out Yvonne & Ervin !

Each of us paid around $12 o.O ?

Went City Hall, happen to see this Army thingy !


The guys were looking around the fair ?

After that, went to look at the movie timing ~

Somehow, we didnt watch movie in the end !

Yeap, so went to Yoshinoya for Dinner .

Walking around, and nothing much I guess ?

So, went to Esplanade, while Ervin & Jacky settle their job thingy ~

After that, sat around the place where people perform .

Chatting with Baby, taking photos with the others too !


Somehow, around 9pm we headed home !

So me, XGBFF, Jacky & Baby took MRT back to Tampines ~

This 2 guys were saying that they are hungry, so we headed to Tmart Mcdonald !

They were eating, while chatting ~ Chat quite alot I can say !

We chatted all the way till 1am :x Back home, bath & went to sleep !

Today's a tiring & short day for me . Went to school, for only 1 lesson !

But that's quite a important lesson to me ~

Headed to Tamp for lunch with Baby, Yvonne, Ervin & Jianhua !

After that, all went home while I went to meet Cindy ~

She come my house, we were both doing notes ! Laugh, Im doing WLD's note ~

Which makes me so sleepy, cos I dont have enough sleep !

Baby woke up from his nap already, but I have not even sleep yet ~

When Im done with this update, I will go sleep ! And, Baby will wake me up ~

Tmr 1 lesson again & no school for Wednesday plus Thursday !

Friday 1 lesson again :D But, next monday exam alreadyyyyy !

Gotta buck up, today get to know my WLD test I fail :(

How sad har ! But gotta study liaoooo, okok byeeee :D


  1. So many thiny thingy!
    Army exhibition la! wa biang...
    Job thingy! Job Interview la!
    Miss Thingy...

  2. Hahahaha ! Didnt know you're reading harr :D
    Aiya, you understand what Im saying jiu hao !
