Friday, March 19, 2010


Thought today wont get to meet Baby, but we meet today ! Anyway, he came my house around 11am ? He must be very tired ~ Waited for me to get prepared, & went Polyclinic with Didi too ! The queue was quite fast o.O ! And, went S11 for lunch after that ~ Doc say : "I think your leg get bitten by something" Of cos I know -.- Well, that's polyclinic ! Meet Mommy after that, she went doc too ! Acc Mommy go eat, then went separate ways ~ Walk around at Tamp with Baby (: In the end, both of us walk back home ! He send me back home ~ After that he went work, he must be very tired.. Wake up so early ! & he gotta work till 1am ~ Thanks for acc-ing me to the doc Baby ♥ Back home, decided to cook ! Had dinner at home, with both Brothers ~ Had a nap while waiting for Baby to be home ! *giggles* Okays, wont be meeting Baby tmr ~ Terrible, but Sunday we'll meet (:

PS : You know what exactly Im thinking o.O ?

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