Friday, February 19, 2010

♥ Simple Love

Happy 21st Birthday to ShangFen :D !


Hey Hey Hey ! Im gonna enjoy my weekend mann ^^

Anyway, had lesson today !

Im so super tired, cos I sleep at 4am ><

Cos Cindy came, and we were chatting till late night !

But well, I did went to school !

Meet ♥ for Mac Breakfast, together with Ervin ~

I've been nagging bout how tired I am to them !

And, didnt eat much too ~

After that Yvonne meet us, headed to school !

Lesson was kinda, alrights ~ Next week 3 test at one go :(

After lesson went back home, ♥ send me home ^^ !

So back home, ate instant noodles ~

This Cindy, came my house & bluff my money :x

Laugh, we played cards & I total lost $10 to her !

How sad, but it's fun with her around ~

Went for nap awhile, cos Im seriously tired !

Wake up around 5pm, went to prepare & headed off to SF's house ~

Celebrating her 21st advanced !

Seriously quite lots of people I must say !

Consider a gathering, and we were taking photos around !


Okay, this is the black & white thingy !

So coincidence, we wore this 2 simple colour ~

Was cutting cakes & taking photos !

Super long, cos there's alot alot of people :x

Nthg much I guess, was playing cards & Im losing !

No luck this year I guess, keep losing money :X

Anyway, headed back home around 11pm ?

And now, Im waiting for ♥ to end work ~

And, tmr gonna go classmates house for CNY visits ^^

Most imptly, they are coming to my house !

I gotta take more photo, I swear ~

And lastly, we are going to XGBFF house for dinner too ^^

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