Thursday, January 7, 2010

* 时间会帮忙吗 ? *

Hellooooooos ! Im back with the blogskins ^^ Half done only ! Well, school was great for the past few days ~ Im not bored in sch ! Cause I entertain people, and they entertain me tooo, hahahaha :x Dinner tonight was with family ! & they are looking at childhood photos ~ I shall join them asap mannn ~ Actually, I love taking photo since young ! There are lots and lots of photo of mine compared to both brothers xD Ohya, tmr I'll be going to school ! Suprised ? I feel weird too, laugh ~ And gonna acc XGBFF to IMM ~ Laugh, Sat will be going out with class ! Gonna be back with lots of photos, Im serious ~ Going off, byeee !

PS : Officially Missing You *thumbsup*

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