Friday, January 1, 2010

* 新年快乐 *

How was your countdown ? Mine was great ~ Went Vivo, kinda interesting ! Meet up with them @ 6pm, Im late ! Slack all the way till countdown over ~ Didi's friend tag along with us too, I think Im more to their group har xD MRT back to Tampines with Didi & cab home from interchange, *tired* Back home, Kor's friend all gathered at house ! ♥ was at home too, great ~ Went to bath, & was chatting with him all the way till 5am, lots to share ! 9am wake him up, his still super tired I guess ~ & off he went out ! Continue to sleep till 1pm, acc Mommy downstairs for lunch & buy things ~ Steamboat tonight with Kor's friend ! & just ate lobster, *thumbsup* Tmr, might go pub with ♥ ? He's still thinking whether to bring me along . But I still hope he'll bring me along ^^v ! Done with updates, photo @ FB ~ Nthg much all the way till school reopen, S&W as usual nobody will appear ?

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