Friday, December 11, 2009

* 唱歌喔 ! *

Back from the outing I mention yesterday ! Not cycling actually ~ Meet XGBFF, went to 445 & meet the others . Had lunch ther too ^^ Last minute decision, decided to go Kbox ! Till 8pm, $106 spent thr ~ Nthg much I guess ? Just shouting around in Kbox, & Im voiceless now ! Good idea from XGBFF, had KFC just now ~ Serve me right, throat pain now... Didnt finish KFC & Im hungry now ! Nvm, my beehoon soup is on the wayyyy ^^ Tmr perharps a trip to temple with Mommy I guess ? Pray for alot of things :x Alright, Im gonna go off now ! Do tag my blog people ? I am sick sick sick..

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