Tuesday, November 10, 2009


DownDownDownDownDown !

Helloooooos ! Sorry didnt updates during the weekends, Im too busy to do so mannn :/
Weekend was a great one for me ^^ Saturday stayed at home till evening, then chalet !
Stayed overnight there, together with Carmen ~ Meet angela @ downtown, chatting away !
Didnt sleep well at the chalet, 3 person 1 bed, how pathetic we are man ! Laughs :/
Stoned for whole day, and back home at 12am ! Damn tired, & 8am lesson on monday ~
S&W played basketball ! Spoilt my day, so damn tiring ~ But, funnn ^^
Dinner with Xiang & Hua at school after whole day's lesson ended, finally !
How sad to be home alone, with a spoilt computer ~ Watch tv, sleep around 11 plus ?

Countdown , 3 more day !

7th aunt's chalet will be on the coming friday ! I'll be helping to check in ^^
Will stay overnight there with SBB I guess ? And, I wanna watch 2012 this movieeee ~
I think it's a nice show, and I want to watch :/ Might be watching on friday night ?
Anyway, im in school for your informationnn ! My computer was down, for long I think ?
So many projects going on ~ Tmr will be doing project @ Deston house after school !
And, 2hr break is coming later at 10am ^^ Laughs, im so bored nowwww ! Off to chat :D

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