Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My wrong...

Monday blueeeeeeeeee ytd ! Not my day, at all . 8am S&W, as usual I will be late ~ Was in the gym, playing with the running track, and also chatting with Xiang & Jimson ! Well, had bread for breakfast ! Then went for lesson, break again I think ? Monday bored :/ Headed to Tamp foodcourt for lunch ^^ Was late for PM1, 1 hour ! Teacher was damn angry.. Anyway, project has to pass up soon ! We haven combined everything yet ! Tmr gonna do ~ After lesson end, headed home with XGBFF ! Meet up with Yazi, and he treat us to Pastamania ^^ Thanks ! &adont forget your promises ! Laughs . Headed home around 9pm, watch tv ~ SF called & ask me out, and I went ! Meet up with Alaric too ~ Went east coast, great ^^ Ate some supper, then back home around 12am I think ? Quarrel with parents, Im feel lousy.. They seems to be comparing, cause they got work I dont have.. She no money = my fault :( Teared to bed, aint feeling that great till now ! Feel so down down down down ~ Seriously.. Today's weather is great ! But, I still feel so cold in school ~ Thanks Ervin for jacket ^^ And, headed to Grandma house after lesson ! Meet Kor @ Tamp, acc his friend walk around ~ Dinner was nice, cause it's at grandma house ~ Headed back home, I look like a fool man ! And, I feel hungry now :x Shaker fries is back already ! Didi gonna treat, how great ^^ Tmr gonna do project @ Ervin house ? Ohya, I almost doze off at Grandma house just now ! I guess Im just too tired :/ So, Im happy that lesson starts 9am tmr morning, how greatt ^^

米修米修, 知道是什么意思吗 ?

米修米修, 知道是什么意思吗 ?

米修米修, 知道是什么意思吗 ?

米修米修, 知道是什么意思吗 ?

米修米修, 知道是什么意思吗 ?


Miss youuu..

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