Monday, August 10, 2009

Shopping with Mommys (:

Hello my dear readers ! Im back posting againn :D Hahahs, today is holiday ! And, how would I stay at home the whole day lehh ? Well, morning went to buy breakfast with korkor ! He ahh, bring me walk around like idiot mannn ~ From coffee shop, to foodcourt, then to Pasar Malam . Back to food court, then to market ! Found that market shop was close, back to coffee shop ! Then, Pasa Malam again -.- Seems like we are shopping at Tmart ! Back home, feel like sleeping mann ~ The weather is too good for me to sleep xD And yahh, went to sleep around 3pm ? And woke up around 6 plus . Went to bath and preparee ~

Meet Mommy and both of us started shopping ! Hahahs, went to BHG & bought some inner beauty xD ! Hahahs, that cost us around $143 mann ~ Anyway, walking around and went to Coax ! Having 50% discount, so take a look inside ~ Both Mommy & me bought one top eachh ! Spend around $32 ? Then went to This Fashionnn ~ Bought 2 shorts, and a top ? Total around $36 ~ And for me, I totally spend $90 ! Hahas, long time once mahhh ~ Headed back home then put things at home . After that went to coffee shop and find daddy ! Had dinner then headed back homee :DD Tmr lesson 9am, ohmygodd ! Hope I'll be able to wake up ~ And gonna motivate Baby to go school ! If not he wants to Pon lesson ~ Okay, Im done with blogging ! Hahaha, now chatting on the phonee nowwww :D Byeeeeeeeeee !

PS : I miss Baby :D

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