Sunday, August 2, 2009

Communication, anyone teach me how ?

Heyyyyy ! Im back posting alreadyy, hahaha :DD Anybody miss me, I think yes ! Hahah ~ Okay fineee, des chalet was quite alrights ? Gathering for us, and play games too ! I wanted to post 2 video mannn ~ Jianhua & YongXiang's DARE ! Hahaha, damn funny mann . But blogger is making me so pissed ! Upload 2 video, takes whole day ~ So, didnt upload at all (: BUT, it's really damn damn funny lahhh :DD

Today Im a guaibaobao ! Yuppp, I really stayed at home for the whole day mannn ~ Cnt imagine I really rot at home todayyyy ! Woke up around 10am ? Use the computer for almost whole dayy ! And, I've finish watching the show, 我的亿万面包 :DD The ending was like, not so niceee ? The Female lead & the Male lead standing quite far away, shouting each other name and keep smiling ! That's the ending ~ Abit dissapointedd mannn ! Anyway, dinner was cooked by me todayyyy ~ Hahas, Soup & Ham ! Plus Didi's sticky rice, but still niceeee :DD

OkayOkayOkay ! Tmr lesson is starting at 2pm, woohooo :DD But lunch as usual, 12.30pm ! Ohyahh, my phone bill this month is only $35 ~ Maybe it's expensive to some of the people out there ? But, it's much much better for me :DD Im really damn damn broke nowadays ! People, if you do ask me out and I rejected you Im sorry . Cause I've no money, so I dont wants to go out :DD Hey, I want to find jobs mann ~ Anybody has any jobs to intro ? Do tell me ahh, tmr after lesson going TM with Gerald Tay to job hunt . Wish me good luck bahhhh ! Nights peopleeee :D

我相信抱着, 你的手就温暖了?

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