Thursday, July 2, 2009

At chalet !

Hey people ! Im currently at the chalet, haha :D Hmmm, ytd was quite fun ! Haha ~ Meet Benjamin @ 201 and bus to Gerald house ! Help him prepare, and had our lunch . Damn nice, haha ~ After that cab to Downtown and meet May . Check in the chalet and slack around ~ Hahas, quite bored :x Hmmm, packed things and was playing true or dare ! Des, Ervin & Ys came along too ~ Ohmy, im damn sway cans ! Keep kena, both true & dare >.< Dare is to carry 2 bags and go out the chalet ! Hahas, then must shout 'Room Service' ~ Damn stupid siahs, but well I did >.< !

Okay, then headed to Braden BBQ ! Ohmys, kinda gathering for all EVs ? Hahas, took many photos and upload tmr ? Okay, played cake & flour cause it's Braden birthday ~ He's damn kelians please ! His whole body kena flour with egg too ~ Ohmygod, damn poor thing ! Okay, was having girls chat with May, Angela & Joey ~ After that headed back to chalet ! Listening to stories ~ Hahas, and headed back home with p Weiwen . Thanks to Dion for sending me home :DD

Alright, morning wake up around 10am ? Hahas, prepared and meet Jimson @ 201 ~ Well, ate mcdonald breakfast :D Super nice please ! Hahas, headed to chalet after that ~ Well, maybe going escape now ! And bbq later evening :D Hope it's really fun ? Well, tag me people :DD Byeeeeeeeeeeee !

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