Monday, June 8, 2009

Mayb, it's true ?


Hellos ! Im back again ^^ Ytd studied with Jim & Gerald ! Hahas, from 2 plus till 5 plus bahs ? Then jiu started chatting >.< Chat about alot, this and that lahs ! Laughing away at some people silly way of doing things ! Hahahs, then went to 201 to take bus 38 ~ Bus to Ger house, he put things and then we headed off to East Point for dinner ^^ Ate Fish Sliced Noodles ~ Quite nice ! And, walking around ~

Bought Peach Tart home ! Hahahs, handling super careful :x Cab home instead of squeezing with those ppl in bus ~ Well, for the sake of peach tart ! Hahahs ~ Back home, was doing nothing ! Playing Bejeweled online ~ Nthg much to do ! And later on Im having exams, ohmygod ~ Im still here playing games and online >.< If I fail, I deserves it ! Hahahs ~

Okay lahs, Im off to prepare liaos ^^ Wish me good luck alright ? And I feel like doing a self-declare holidays on Tues & Wed ? Cause EngKai's lesson is so so damn damn sians ~ Maybe i'll go somewhr else then ? Hahahs, okay byeeeeeeeeeeee ^^

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