Saturday, June 6, 2009

Long Updates ^^

Friday, 29May09^^


Headed to kbox with this 3 guys on friday night ! Hahahs, really did enjoy myself ^^ Had fun and most imptly, it's a gathering and meet up cause Robin is going to NS soon ~ Well, headed to Cine & sang from 9pm all the way till 6am ! Hahahs, 1 person around $44 :x FTBG help me with the money ^^ Xiexie ! MRT-ed back to Tampines and Cab back home ^^

Sunday, 31May09^^

Went for kbox on this day with my classmates ! Hahahs, damn damn fun ^^ Well, Gerald tag along too ! Meet Gerald, and MRT to somerset to meet the rest ~ YongSheng, Jiayi & Jianhua meet us, then headed to Cine ! Ate YoshiNoya ^^ Hahas, then went to sing from 2pm to 7pm ! Deston came along too . Hahas ~ Was enjoying & photo-taking ! Walking around Taka after the singing session ~ Till 10pm plus ? Hahas, after that headed back to Tampines with YongSheng & Gerald . Meet Mommy @ Coffee shop ~ Then went back home ! Bath-ed and sleep ~ Quite tired ! Hahahs .

Monday, 1June09^^

Had NAFA test today ! Hahahs, meet Jimson & some others I think ? For lunch, and then headed to NAFA . Hmmm, had 5 stations done 1st ^^ Failed some, and the other I not sure liaos >.< ! Jus do finish, and that's it ~ Ran 2.4km too, and Im got the number tag . Number 112, pass or fail I dont knw ! Hahahs, saw Xiuyi & Braden while running ~ Anyway, headed to Cafe 1 with Jim & Gene for a drinks ! Well, damn damn xinku after the run ? Hahas, headed back home and was damn damn in pain ~ Muscle pain and leg pain -.- ! Hahas, rest damn early ~ Super tired, and cnt sleep well too !

 Tuesday, 2June09^^


Heyhey ! Hahas, today in school was nothing much ? NWT is damn damn boring please ~ Falling asleep, the time passing by is so super slow mans ! Had breaks, and went to blow wind ~ Hahas, and after school headed home ~ Meet gerald & YongSheng to study @ Tmart Mac ^^ Damn tired ! Studied till 11pm bahs ? Then headed back home, damn tired ~ Hahas, abit flu !

Wednesday, 3June09^^

Today headed to NWT lesson, damn tired and xinku ! I had bad flu please ~ Keep sneezing and sneezing ! Damn xinku ! Hahas, had 2 hours lunch breaks ~ And, we headed to Tampines ^^ They ate mac, and I didnt eat ~ Hahahs, no appetize for anything ahs ! Then walking around T1 ~ Around 1 plus, everyone decided not to go back for lesson ! So, everyone heads home ~ Except for Poor Jimson, had to go for Dragonboat ! Hahas . Anyway, back home and rest till evening ! Prepared myself and waited for Daddy to fetch us ^^ Went to Sakura for advance celebration for Korkor's birthday ^^ With His GF too ! Hahahs ~ Saw Sally there too ! Hahas, Happy Birthday to you two ahs ^^ Well, then headed to 201 awhile . Walk back home with Korkor & his GF ! Then went to sleep, damn xinku cause of the flu thingy ~

Thursday, 4June09^^

Well, didnt went for NWT lesson in the morning ~ But im feeling better after sleeping awhile more ^^ Meet Jim for Mac Breakfast ! Damn damn nice ^^ Suppose to do RCT notes, but time is running out >.< ! Went to school and look for the rest ~ Headed for LLA lesson, and kinda.......... No comment ! Well, expected lahs ? Anyway, gonna hack it ! And went for RCT lesson ! Teacher gave us impt tips for monday exams, hahaha ^^ Then, dinner at school ! After that meet Gerald for studying @ tmart mac ! Something happen again, sighs* Whatever it is, I got no comment... Headed home and sleep early !

Friday, 5June09^^

Woah ! 1st day of work today ^^ SF not working ! But nvm, headed to Somerset & work starts at 10.30am ~ Well, talk to some of them as they knw SF ~ And headed to lunch with them too ! Hahas, quite alright lah ? Ys, Des & Ervin came to look for me ^^ Hahas, cool lahs :x And, dinner alone ~ Hahas, leg damn pain and quite tiring ! I sell nthg today mans ~ But nvm, 1st day only >.< ! Back home alrdy 12am le ~~ Sleep @ 1am :(

Satuday, 6June09^^

Work started 1pm today ! Quite alright ? I sold smthg today ^^ 4 pillow in total ~ Compare to them is a big difference lahs, but Im only 2nd day lehs ! Hahas, lunch with ZH ~ Dinner with SF & WK ! Late abit, but nvm lahs >.< ! Meet ys, des & gerald after work ~ Then went to find mommy ! Haha ~ That's abt it ^^

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