Friday, May 1, 2009

East Coast Outing !

Hello Im back ! Haha, sorry for not updating uhs :DD Blogger doesnt allow me to upload all photos today, zZz ! Only 1, Tmr ? Well, thursday lesson totally lik shit ! Had only 1 lesson, 3 hours of break ~ Went to Tampines Interchange for KFC, then walk around ~ Thinking of whether to go back to school for lesson, but final decision is no ! And we really didnt went for the lesson :x Haha, headed home and rest awhile . Super tired, for no reason ! Hahaha, okay . Prepared myself and meet Ger they all ! As usual, headed for dinner ~ Lalalas, and nowhr to go again .

Walking around, couldnt buy things ! Im suppose to save money, but I bought a racer back ! It's so green :DD I lik ! Okay, then saw Yiqin, chatted awhile and send May to bus-stop le ~ Saw Yongteck and groups ! Sam was there too ! Anyway, both Ger & Liang send me home again :DD Sleep early, cause Im super tired ! And woke up 9am this morning, tired ~~ Help to prepare the food & headed off to East Coast around 11am :D Brought our own bike there and we saved quite alot uhs ? Food also prepare ourself, haha ~~

Took quite many photos uhs ? Almost 100++ photos ! Haha, majority is mine :x Okay, that's not the main point ! Haha, was sun-tanning ourself and sunblock is useless ~~ Im both red & black now :x Haha, super pain cans !? Okay, till 4 plus . Pack up & left there ~ Send aunt they all home, and finally us back home ! Around 6pm alrdy ~ Ohmygod ! Bath & that feeling was really shiok :x Haha ! Ate dinner around 8 plus ? And Im seriously tired, off to sleep :DD Byeeeeeeeeee !


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