Tuesday, April 28, 2009

PM0904J !

Hahaha, that's my class ! But it's not the whole class uhs ~ Cause some of them didnt went to the CARE lesson ! CA was angry lik hell, but who cares ? Haha ! Anyway, ytd had the BLs program . Totally, zZz ! Anyway, headed to Tampines One with Jonathan & YongSheng ! Then went home, watch TV . 10pm used the computer till 12 plus ? Tired please ~~

Morning was tired ! Had lesson @ 9am, zZz ~ Falling alseep in lesson please ! And it seems to be raining ? Haha, good for us ! Cause the school Air-Con is DOWN -.- ! Totally like, lousy :x And I haven do the notes for NWT ! Hahah, gonna do in a few minutes time ! Okay, I shall reply my tags today :x Pardon me !

peijuan: i like ur hair texture now ! haha , look damn nice uh , unlike mine ):
- Haha, reborn dont look lik reborn sia ! zZz ~~

XGBFF: send me photos ok :D Hahhahaa THAT SHUAI GE OHMYGOD
- Send-ed ! Haha, ya la ~ Next time go take number le :x

alberttan: wah go flyer nv jio ! =(
- Haha, next time jio you go, must go ahs :DD

XGBFF: i miss you :(
- IMY TOO :*(

Eve:: hihi...you look chubby,,but myuttz,,^_^
- Haha, hellos :D Chubby, fat la :x

Satome: What me again?!?!
- zZz, nonsense !

Kahyi: yow xinxin (: (LOL YONGSHENG)
- Why must bracket leys :x Hah !

thia: missya.

Jean: you spell my name wrongly la!!!! blur queen
- Hahaha, I dont knw how to spell ma :x

bennie: 7 words? you look chubby but cute.. lols =] hahas
- Haha, what 7words ? Chubby is fat :x

Jean: i love you, but you said. i miss you too. HAHAHAHA!
- Haha, ILY & IMY :DDD Fair ~

Gerald: totally agree wif may dont look like u so chubby lol.
- Wahlaos, shd say dont agree ma :x

XGBFF: i hate her man ! AI NI AI NI !
- Yes, pass all hates to her & love to me :DDD

Fen: wireless! fun?! haahaa!
- Haha, not bad leys ? HAHA :X

Huihui: As promised, your tag is here ! :)
- Thanks :D I'll tag you too !

Maythida: Xin. The photo don't look like you sia. So chubby. Hahs.
- Wahlaos, chubby = fats leys !

Gerald: sis jia you bah. i believe u will make it 1. dont stress and study hard =) if ur friends no mico softwar den u tell me. i get for u 1 =)
- Hahah, alright :D No worries, I have the software from my uncle le :DD

Jay: Ello~ here to tag you, btw link me. [: http://fading-friendship.blogspot.com/
- Linked :DD Haha !

Carmen: Jiao Shuanggggg . :] & cuz i know you miss me . HAHAHA !
- Yes I do miss you LIANGJIAMIN :DD

Satome: dun stay so late... is tonight conversation better dun stay till so late... ps to flood ur tag... LOL eye pain still can watch tv siar~ rest well LA! tomorrow school better come or will miss alot lesson... it's a long day tomorrow so remember to rest early..
- Haha, flood my tag sia you ! Haha :x But still thanks for tagging :DD

Done with the tags reply ! Haha, gonna talk tock now :x Somepeople are lik so dumb & so bitchy ? To mess with other girl's guy ! Ohmy, you got yr partner too, didnt cherish and you are taking it lik nthg happen ? Really like, ohmy ~ How come you're so bitchy uhs ? You can act as it you're close with me, and now stare at me . Totally lik, wtf ? Stop your childish act la, child ! Sick & Tired of you alrdy please ? Lame . Guilty, then Im saying you . Yes you, bitch !

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