Saturday, April 25, 2009

I wonder whys ?

It's been so long long ago since I go out with this Lady ! Haha, well ~ Ytd didnt went out with my classmates ! Big Big Apologise to them :x Anyway, meet May & Ger around 4pm ? They come my house, then Xiuyi came too . Meet SL @ house downstair, then headed to Tampines Inter and MRT to Cine ! Ate Kobayashi, did I spell correct ? Haha :x I finish the whole thing, laughs* Okayokay, headed to Far East then .

Walk around, looking at things . Blablabla ~ MRT to Bugis after that, laughs* Bought 2 clothes, and a mirror ! Haha, I love that mirror please :DD Cause it's piano ! Hohohos ~ Anyway, MRT back to Tampines then . Boring Boring ! Acc May wait for bus, then left the 4 of us heading to Downtown ! Bought tickets for 17 agains, 11.50pm :x SL couldnt watch, so he headed home, left 3 of us ! Hmmm, the show was not bad ? Rate 4 out of 5 stars :DD Cab home and good night :x

Today gonna go to WildWildWet with Xiuyi ! Then heading to Garrie Kor's Chalet ~ It's his birthday anyway ! Happy Birthday Korkor, & Happy Birthday to Kelvin Ng too :DD Okayokay, now going eat Breakfast ? Bought by My Elder Brother, of cause with Honey Milk Tea too :D ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ~

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