Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Im loving my life now :)

Today work ended quite early ! Hahahah, all three banks end early ~ In fact, SCB is the last to finish :x Hurhur ! Okayokay . Jean didnt attend work again, zZz ! Girl, think properly. Is this the only choice for you to choose ? I dont think so ah uhs. You asked for advise, and we gave. But you are avoiding it. Think carefully, it's a matter of life.
Anyway ! Work was bored, cause account again -.- Lunch, alone ! Well, I think Im starting to life on my own uhs ? That's good girl :x Hahaha, like idiot ! Blablabla ~ And Im in love with HONEY MILKTEA ! ! Hahaha ~ And I drink, sucking the jelly too :x Blabla ! Work ended around 7 ? Super early I swear ~ Leave with Shirley, ohmygod ah ! She's a good person, I MUST SAY . Hahah, but we got same character, we are impatience !
 Hahaha ~ Acc her go buy 4D, then bus home . Reach home around 7.45pm ? Hahah, very early ! Today I'll get to see the 9pm series, hohoh ~ Tmr wed, I love wed ! Cause got fruit, hahah :x Kinda lame, but I love working now ! Byeeeeeeee ~

PS:You dont understand my situation. Im the center person, you know?

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