Thursday, September 25, 2008

4NA&4NT Graduation :(

Im sosososo tiiredd pleaseeee ! SighSighSigh, super tiredd ahh ~
School was fiinee today, kinda siiann ahh . Got special time table !
Everday day released on 1.15pm ! Shoik, get to rest more often, haha ~

Pretty moodless today, maybe due to insufficient sleep ii think ?
Everyday sleep about 6hrs ? Not enough man, panda eyes all out !
And pimples are increasing on my face :x Didnt study outside today.
Not at tmart, not at 446. Myabe at Grandma house? Shawn's birthday !
Hahaha, but think iim gonna doze off at grandma hse ? Tiiredd laaa ~

Tmr iis 4NT&4NA's graduatiion ceremony ! Ohhmyy, super shebude :(
Xingan, JuanJuan, Simin & Cher. No longer see-ing them that often le ~
But it's alright kayys ? Still can meet out often lik we do now, chillss !
Keep contact kayys ! I gave my number to you guys alrdy, contact mee laa (:

Haohaohao, done posting for today leee ! Off to preparee, nt posting tmr ?
Family chalet on 26 to 28Sept, maybe staying over bahh ? Laughs* Depends !

Glen :
Hahahah ! I didnt see you today again :( Tmr tmr ! HAHA :D

Elano :
Hao ah ! Wait till ii after olvl then go kayys ? HAHAHA ! Call more ppl to go :D Btw, iim not a big bird ! Neither a da huang niao :x

Hansiang :
Haha, really ? I didnt noe was lik this, hahaha !

Xingan :
WHNL ! Guess urself, laughs*

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