Saturday, August 9, 2008

Hohohohos ! Back back back ~ Hah ! Happy Birthday to Singaporeeeeee (:
Now prepariing to go out alrdy ! Wooo-hoooos ~~ Great !
After so long of rottiing & stoniing at home, fiinally go out ~
Moviie wiithh Baby & Zhong ~ Hah ! Money No Enough, iim here ~

Btw, prelims are comiing alrdy ! And ii suresure faill, ii swear ~
Miissedd 1 weeks lesson, and nobody tell me anything -.- Great !

Alriight ! Baby iis done wiith hiis haiir alrdy ~ Blablabla !
Jeans outiing :x All of us wears Jean ! Hah, okayokayokay ~~~
Off alrdy ~~ Byeeeeeeeeeee ! Update later bahhs? I love beeeeee (:

Happy Birthday 43th Singaporeee (:

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