Saturday, August 16, 2008

finally iim back postiing yea ? Laughs* Tiiredd these few days ii swearr pleaseee !
StudyStudyStudy, everyday mann ! Super stress :x Im trying very hard alrdy (:
Studying from around 3pm till 10pm everyday, super guaiix hor? Laughs* !
From 3pm till 6pm, with Xingan & Simin, then till 10pm is with Cliques they all !

Family probs are occuriing almost every days, different matter all th days :(
Only Cliques & Baby knows about the issue, sorry Baby.. Didnt tell you anything.
Didnt get th chance to say ahh, paiisehh ohhs :x Laughs* & Thks for being thr !

Today went to Xingan house after studyiing ! Pretty boredd, cause sat still studyiing !
Blablabla, steal songs from Xingan computer, hohohos :x Then around 11 then home ~
Cause house will be lik kinda empty ! Only zhong at home, then will be lik siiann ?
Somemore dat day ii quarrel with Korkor, wtf pleaseeeee -.- Hack iit man, laughs*
He jus dont understand dat iim still a student and iim hafiing stress iin schh too ~~

Siiann laaaa ~ Baby's still not back from pool&slackiing yet ! I miss him badly :*((
Blablabla ! I've learnt not to give up and let go anything ii've work hard for :DDD !
Byeeeeeeeeeeee ! Baby's backk alrdy (: Tmr studyiing agaiin ! It's Okay , 加油惠欣 ~

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