Tuesday, August 5, 2008

backkkkkkkk ! MC 2 days, ytd and today (: iim feeliing not good, at all pls !
Super xiinku laaaaaaa ~ ytd meet mamii see doc, my throat really hurts !
Docdoc say my throat kena seriious infectiionn ~ then giimiie Sweet to suck :x
Hah ! Then went to 400+ for lunch with Mami ~ After that took bus 293 home..

Reach home, eat med ~ Then Baby came, he was playiing mahjong while ii slp ~
But till half way, ii went to toilet and vomit ~ Super xinku, thought nth alrdy .
Who noes, went back to toilet and vomit again =.= all my lunch :x Hah, erxiin !
Back to room, tryiing to get some sleep ~ But couldnt get to sleep, siighhs* paiin !

Meet mamii for dinner then back home for med ~ Siiann ahh ! Super xiinku :x
3am, wake up cause my throat really hurts ~ Cry and cry, lik nobody business !
Then wake mamii up, she coax me to sleep ~ 4am, ii fall asleep :x Nt enuff slp laa ~
Morniing 7am, wake up and throat is not getting any better . Super pain ii swear !
Baby came, and coax me to sleep ~ then eat porriiage mamii cooked, med agaiin ~

Jus eat finish lunch now ~ Gonna eat med now ! Mami say maybe goiing to the,
chinese doc ~ Ohhmyys ! I wan mamii to accompany me please ! I dont wan alone..
Okayyy byeeeeeee ! Tmr schliing? Ak ahh ~ Depends on my siick bahh? Byeeeeeee (:

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