Thursday, August 7, 2008

Aiint feeliing that great uhs ? Hah ! Siick iis not gettiing any better please ~~
Those med are jus stopping my fever, but not make my throat better, but worst ii think?
Laughs* Hope my throat will be fine when my med finish ! If nt haf to go hosp le ?
Hah, ii dont wanna go thr please ~ I've been missing for 1 week, no lesson v sian !

Blabla ! Ytd ate Ice-cream, pretty great ~ Hah ! Then th bitter med again :( Sucks !
Home with bro, cab ! Hah ~ Back home, alone :( Then Baby came ! Peii me eat porridge ~
Then play viwawa together (: Hah ! Then around 11 plus went to sleep, Baby went home.

Today morning was alright ~ Blablabla ! Went down to buy breakfast, siiann ~
Home alone really isnt feeling dat great, but no choice yea? Nobody cares ~
Blablabla ! Home alone till now, zhong is sleeping, im still home alone, hais!
All th way till tmr ii think ? Cause family will be hafing dinner outside today.

Baby is not coming, ii think ? Not staying overnight, ii suppose ? Hahaha ~
Im kinda dumb ~ Thinking dat everybody will goes my way, which will nvr !
Hah, stupid huixin ! Wake up from ur dream, nobody cares abt wat you do, ok !
If ppl care, they would do things to show ~ Blablabla, iim kinda shag ii think ?

Happy Birthday Auggy (:

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