Monday, July 28, 2008

monday blueeeeeeeeees ! today hafiing a boredd boredd day pls ~~
Hate monday pls ~ Super siian de lesson, Especially Engliish laaa !
Attendance takiing took 1 period, and left with 1 period only =.=
Falling aslp alrdy with his lesson going on ! No matter wat topic he says,
everyone jus feel lik sleeping ! His lesson has sucessfully made us sleep xP

Chemistry was kinda blur xP Cause we dont noe how to do those work !
Blablabla, PE ! Was super bored, didnt see dao MrZaihan, at all ~~
So went to take a stroll with Mama, Laughs* Saw cheehao, papaaaaaaaaa !
Bought HL Milk at mama shop, then back to sch again, super siiann pls ~
Then ii saw MrZaihan =.= Laughs* Early recess, super great ! Kinda sian ~

Ate WantonMee, niiceniice ! GuoTiao's nicer (: Try it ppls ! blablabla ~
Recess seems to be so long, cause we had longer recess due to early release !
Hmms, staying in class for nth ~ QF looks lik a mamashop "Aunty" ! Hah ~
Cause she sells sweets, lolipops & crackers in class 501 ! Hah, cool yea .

Anyway, Physics had pratical again =.= Smth to do with electricity ~~
Nth much actually ~ Did MCQ, 14 & above get to leave early, before 1.30pm !
Completed mine, 14/20 =.= Hah ! Lucky la xP Pack and go, but gotta wait.
For char, mad & angela ~~ Laughs* still the same, 1.30pm then leave sch ~

Went to bbt shop, nth much ! Huanchoon took my watch, 1week rental again :x
Laughs* It's okay ! I got Junkiiat's watch for replacement xD ! Laughs*
2pm went in to sch, help CD to do the noticeboard, for my CCA points pls !
A2 ley, if ii didnt contribute anything, CCA point jus gone lik this ley ~
Hah ! Done around 3plus ba? Thanks Angela for peii-iing me, when she stones thr.

Meet Char & co. for lunch ! Hah, then bus home together with madmad ! Laughs*
Back home, prepared myself and took Mom's laptop to Grandma house, for uncle.
Laughs* Childcare centre once again ! Joyce&Shawn was thr, plus MengWei too ~
Around 6 plus, went to 3rdAunt's shop, look for bro and stone thr =.= Laughs*
Till papa's back, then went home together with papa ! Meet Baby at home (:

Hah, baby is trying to make me angry & wanna quarrel with me =.= Useless kays !
Im not gonna quarrel with you lahs, when tmr iis our aniiversary, laughs*
But Baby iis super cuteeeeeeeee ! I swear pls (: I loveeee you beeeeeeeeee !

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