Tuesday, July 8, 2008

halo halo ! Laughs* iim finally back posting ! Hah :DD
Sorry for nt posing ytd, cause ii jus knock out when iim home !
Alriight ~ Gonna post kinda short one ii think, tiiredd ah ~~
Ytd went to sentosa, ohhmyy ~ Really great outiing, ii swear !

Meet 8.30am at S11, Laughs* ate pancake, then wait th rest to come ~
around 9.30am, everyone was here ~ then MRT to harbourfront .
Hoho, we are earlier then th malays ! Cause we meet earliier :x
Reach thr, was lik many ppl ! Maybe due to Holiday bahs, Laughs ~

Started to play in th water, super cold at 1st ~ But after awhile jiu hao le
Laughs* Anywae, Berlinda&Pohling didnt play :( But they are camera girls
Took many funny photos ! will upload when ii get it from lincoln, hah :D

Was playiing kissing game -.- Laughs* so total ii kiss Baby, JFYF & Bal ~~
Laughs* Super fun, but it's super tiiriing too ! 3pm, went to bath, hah ~
Was shariing the same cubicle as angela ~ Laughs* We, super nasty !
Blabla ~ Then eat lunch :x Which is lik, kinda expensive pls, but nvm lah ~
Cause hungry, so dont care cheap or ex le :x Jus eat & drink only xP !
Back & meet up with those malays, took group photos ! Upload when taken ~

Laughs* hmmms, around 5pm left sentosa & back to vivocity ~ Tired pls !
Everyone is kind dead beat ! & everyone seems restless, cause super tired :x
Went to Bedok 85 with Baby, JFYF & Aaron ! Ate 5 chickenwing each =/
Me&JFYF eat the wings, while the guys eat all th drums :x Hahahaha :DD

Bus home, super tiired ii swear pls ! Reach home around 10pm, tiiredd ~
Pack bag & went straight to slp ~ Super tiired, nvr even iiron clothes for sch !
Morning wake up at 6.35am. holy shit lahh ! Clothes nt hang, jiieet pls ~~
Bath & quickly do everything ! Hah, didn haf th time to dry my hair !
So ii walk to sch looking lik a crazy girl ~ Laughs* But still alright lahhs :x

Sch was blablabla ! Nth much, after sch Aiai came my house, hahahaha pls !
Was singing song, lik long time nvr alrdy uhs ! Hah, so sing lik crazy girls ~
Then around 5 plus, Baby came ~ Hah, was singing til laround 7pm ii think?
Aiai went home, then left Baby & meee ~~ Hah, Baby help me buy things !<
Er, ii mean he went down to tmart & buy food for me, Sweet right, huh Baby ~

Hah ! Gonna go slp soon lahh, super tiired ii swear ~ Tmr gonna bring themormeter !
Hope ii didnt spell wrong uhs ? Hah, Baby's slpiing right now ! Gonna wake him up :x
Cause he gotta go home ah ~ Laughs* Maybe nt posting dat often le, jiieet right !
My computer & Dad's laptop both kena virus -.- Sad pls ! Tmr bring go repair ~~
Bye my com ! Jiieet pls ~ Com simply jus knock out, screen cnt be open :*(((

Hao le, Done with today's post ! Only one photo uploaded :DD Byeeeeeeeeeeeee !


  1. haha, i've seen through u le, from up down. hahahahhaha.!

  2. ToHuiyu: Hah, love you too !
    ToAlegna: Laughs* Dont say mahh :x Shy leyys !
