Sunday, June 29, 2008

Taggboardd removed ! Cause dont feel lik hafing a taggboard :x
Anything shall comment yea ? Sorry for the inconvenience cause !
Changed song, hopefully it suit my blog ? Laughs* Very jiieeett ahh !

29June ! Gonna shut down everything && do hmwk at home ;DD
Today, iim a guaiguai girl ! Staying at home, doing hmwk, hurs !
Physics, Geo & Chem revision -.- Btw, Maths is done ytd, rofl ~~

Gonna chiong my studies, & nth else ii think? Tmr monday, blueeeee !
Hope everyone mood is better or great ! But nt for me uhs :x Sry ~
Tmr PE, great ! Gonna play & move abt lik mad :x Relief stress ~

Heiiheii, am ii silly ? Yazi & Long, shd ii listen to you guys ? Hmms,
Dont worry, ii will be fine soon ;D & I will be guaiguai de, okok? (:
Anything will tell you guys de, alright ? Thks for your advice uhs ;D

Done with today post ! Going off for lunch now ;DD Im hungry :x
After lunch gonna starts hmwk, then revision ! Haiiyoh, ii study ~
Gonna snow soon :x No choice, ii haf to do things, to forget "ah-hem" !
"ah-hem" means things or even somebody ? Laughs* Byeeeeeeeee !

Happy 4thmonth annii, to myself..


  1. Hey ppl ! Do comment yea ;DD Cya <3

  2. YAY * comment :]
    Love xingan xingan!

  3. To: Huiiyu Laughs* Comment more ! Lik nobody read my blog :*((

    To: Yuekaii Yea ! SO you gonna updateee uhs ! Comment often pls :D
