Saturday, June 7, 2008

Today, ii diid nth :x Laughhs pls ! Mom diidnt went to work today,
cos ytd late slp ! andd ii totally forgotten wat happen today, sorry ~
I diid slp, eat, slp eat, dat's all people :p && very lastly,
Baby stayedd at my house for 2 days le !
ii love Baby super much pls !

Out wiith SF, ohhmyys ! Silly people do silly things yea ~
Meet at iinter, iim late, sorry ~ then MRT to bugiis ! looking lik fools,
walking around towards nowhere :x went hawker center,
ate fiish sliice soup ~ th stall holder got a prob wiith me, siighhs*

forget abt iit, diidnt wanna mentiion, went to walk around in bugiis junction ~
super super jiieet ! kena bang by those cleaner trolley, wtf _|_ !

bought sushi && MRT to suntec, Laughs* doing some stupid things, tear price tags !
lols ~~ 30cent only ! LaughOutLoud pls ~ then bought donut, super niice pls !
next time briing Baby go eat :p Laughs* and went to carrefour, free drinks :x
drink & left, nobody noes ! andd finally, home sweet home, niights* Baby !

Baby iis so iinto maple now, siighs* keep on maple maple maple ! but nvm,
Baby still wan me yea? Luffs* meet mamii for lunchh, iingrediient for dinner too !

steamboat for today dinner, loves ! reach home, do nth, sudoku, then slp ~
super boriing pls ! till 6pm, wake up and Bath, then dinner wiith Baby !

take super lot of photos pls ! gonna post later :x luffs*
Baby's blog rottiing mans ! Gonna help hiim post when ii can :DD
alriight, byeeeee ! Baby, 4days le ohs D:

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