Monday, May 19, 2008

Updates :D

hmmms, schliing today ! friidayyyy ~~~
no choiice anymore, haf to study lahhhhh !
MT coachiing for whole day, boredd pls !
okok, beiing frozen iin somewhr, super cold ~
then diid many revision, 2 compo, 10 passgage.
Ohhmyyys ! braiin crack :x luffs* nvm, olvl coming !
after schh went home, together wiif Boy (: slpslp ~
andd mamii saw us slpiing :x diiediiediie ! siighhs*
okok, diineer @ 201, then chalet ! wooo-hoooos ~~
funfunfun ! luffiing, jokiing && playiing wiith cousiins !
meet them at NewyorkNewyork, at th E-hub thr ~
niice place to eat, but ii miissedd iit ! hurhur ~
SBB's treats ! nehhmiinds :x arcade was greatgreat !
saw VanYeo, Qiuyun, andd theiir friiends ~ qiiao !
back to chalet was alrdy 10 plus ii tiink? luffluffluff ~
starts to bbq ! hurhur ~ when everyone's slpiing alrdy!?
yea, we diid dat. startedd bbq, niiceniice ! cos hungry le :x
slp aroundd 2am ii suppose? tiiredd lahhs, but great slp !
cos ii dont haf to share bed, but SBB haf to ! haaaaaaas ~

wake up aroundd 12 plus ii tiink? aiircon was really cold lahhs !
but ii've got ZG's jacket ! luffs* he dont feel cold, weiirdo :x
lalalalala ~ hadd foodcourt as breakfast cum lunch ! haaaaas ~
then me && SF went back to my hse ~ take extra clothing !
then cabb-edd to her hse, takiing those food ~ luffs pls :x
both of us was lik, idiiot ! tryiing to cover th chiickenwiing,
wiith plastiics :x andd almost fly away ! paiisehhs lahhs ~
meet 6th aunt andd they driive us back to dwntown, lols !
back to chalet was great great ~ cos can lie on bed, hohos !
okok, then aroundd 6pm, ZG's friiend came andd aunt they all.
lols, they was diisturbiing mii, cos mamii they all went to m'siia,
but ii diidnt follow them. so iim left alone at home lohhs ~~
lalalalas ~ ii dont miind lahhs, but almost tearedd :x luffs*
aroundd 12am, Boy came andd ton overniight (: lols ~~
nthh much, but ZG's friiend was kiinda, iirriitatiing :x

wake up around 10am, cnt get to slp lahhs ~ hurhur !
keep wake up, then turn aroundd. luffs* Both me&boy,
don haf enuff slp lahhs ! hurhur, then nvm . lols ~~
LH & SBB was quiite gd fren wiif Boy le, esp LH !
they talk nonsence andd blabber craps :x luffs*
okok, Mac as Lunch ~ quiite full man ! andd tiiredd,
cos nt enuff slp lahhs ! haaas ~ take a small nap !
then aroundd 3.30pm, went to Wildwildwet, hohohos ~
Only me, SBB & ZG go :x sorry to ps my Boy iin chalet !
quiite worriiedd actually, cos left LH wiith hiim, ohhmyys ~
watever lahhs -.- haaas ! was duper duper fun lahhs ~
went to lazy riiver 1st, duper shiiok lahhs ~ funfunfun !
then to the wave pool, great mans ! luffiins lik hell ~~
thks to ZG's jokes andd diisturbiing SBB abt pretty giirls :x
haaas ! he went to mad andd angry ~~ but both of us was lik,
luff luff luff ~~ cnt stop lahhs :x he's soso funny cans ! haaas .
jacuzii? dont not how to spell :x was alriight, chattiing ~~
andd miissiing my Boy :x Opps ! haaas ~ then back to laxy river ~
kiinda boredd liiaos, so went to wave pool, onnce more !
andd went to th deepest ! ohhmyys, ii cnt swiim ppl ~~ haas!
mus thks ZG for takiing care of me ~ haaas ! SBB damn funny :x
keep kenna bang by GILRS ! ohhmyys ~ he went crazy !
then we was diisturbiing him, "wan take no.? ii help you lahhs :x"
haaas ! ii suppose he would wiishh to hiide iinto a hole iimmediiately.
okok, impt part ~ haaas ! the viitagen tank, was not workiing mans !
many ppl was waiting lik iidiot below th tank, andd nth came out.
best part iis, th tank ii aldy full man ! haaas ~ okok, luff and run :x
back to chalet aroundd 6 plus ii tiink? lols ~ bathbath, cos soso cold !
luffs* out was duper shiiokk mans ! haaaas ~ then take a nap, again :x
cos was really super tiiredd lahhs ! hurhur ~ then send Boy to bus-stop (:
back to chalet was doiing nth, but takiing care of baby :x badlahhs !
korkor came andd ACTUALLY, he was suppose to fetch me home.
INTHEEND ! he was lazy, then he ton at th chalet -.- kor, __ !
haaaaas ~~ nvm, 3th aunt fetch me home, ohhmyys ! homehome :x
found many thiings on my bed, mamii bought things for me ! hurhur,
kiinda weiird, but nvm ! thks (: haaas ~ korkor bought mickey too !
okok, then bath and slp liiaos, cos iim duperduper tiiredd lah ~

okok ! last part of post liiaoos ~~ haaaas !
daddy came iin my room at aroundd 1oam -.-
wakiing me up andd telliing me, we goiing shppiing !
hurhur, ii was lik, huh? am ii dreamiing :x watever ~
bath andd went to out ~ went to 802 for breakfast !
meet xiiaogu && then go to CityPlaza, luffs*
bought 2 shiirts from thr, luffs* daddy also ~~
haaas, then change location :x went to marine parade !
hohohos ~ shoppiing agaiins ! luffs* bought wallet,
andd 1 more shiirts ~ ii bought alot of thiings today !
andd mamii paiid ! luffs lahhs ~ soso scary can :x
but nvm, 3 of us was shoppiing andd papa went driinkiing -.-
lalalalas ! meet 4th uncle && dad's friiend, chatchatchat ~
while iim falliing aslp lahhs ! haas ~ damn tiiredd cans !
andd soso fiinally, 7pm leave mariina parade, ohhmyys ~
reachh tmart, bought dinneer andd went home liiaos !
bath andd was duperduper shiiok lahhs ! haaaaas ~~
okok, iim off to slp liiaos ! tmrr coachiing agaiins ~
&& Boy iis waitiing for me ~ byeeeeeeeeeee !

Boy, no matter wat, ii wont leave you.
Really, ii promiise. GouGouShou* <3

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