Monday, May 5, 2008


iim back liiaos ! haaas ~ acorrding to the lunar calender,
today is april fool ! luffs* pls ~~ but nobody noes :x
hmmms, paper for today was ohhsoo jiieeet ! sure fail -.-
firstly, ii tiink ii jus FLUNK my maths cans !? siighs*
aniiwae, then geo. nvr study dao, great :x but still ok nahhs,
still can do abit :x luffs* bring calculator also no use -.-
ohhohh ! then after exams, slack aroundd bbtea shop ;D
then talktalk, luffluff* went home after dat ~ lols !
meet Xingan&Junkiat dwnstair my hse, bought food, then hm !
okk, back to my hse andd luff lik mad, again cans !? lols ~
all th wayt till 5 pluss, ohhmyys ! tiime fly so slow -.-
whr coll fly, time crawl siiohhs :x went to bath then now post.
Xingan& Junkiat went home liiaos, jiieeett ! okok, tmr exams again .
physic ! siiann pls ~~ hurhur, mus study ! arbo duibuqi mrgoh,
yangyang ! andd my dearest Boy, cos they teach mii physic ;D
ok, off for dinneeerrr liiaoos ! byeeeeeeee (: Gd luck !


Tags repliedd :
Boyfriiend : okok, suresure ;DD happy to see ur tag <3>

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