Saturday, March 1, 2008


I Y My Boyfriiend ;D
29Feb , 2.29pm !

bye , off for moviie ~ watchiinq "TheLeapYear" ! updatteee lateeer !

iim back from th moviie ~ haaaas !
today hadd lesson , ndd was fiine -.-
physiic ndd chemiistry was GREAT !
except for maths , anqry bodohhs !
hadd a LASTMIN quiiz , ohhmyys ~
iis iincludedd iin CA uu noe !? haiis .
sure faill dao verii jiialat dehh nahhs !
lols ~ after schh went to tm ndd walk ardd ~
went home chanqedd ndd meet charr !
ate patamaniia ndd went for moviie ~~
niice lahhs ! touchiinq alriites ~ haaaas .
after dat benlaii wantedd to go safra dehhs .
but cos of somebody , dont feel lik goiinq !
then jiiu went home lohhs ! haaaaaas ~
nw web-camiinq wiif euqene , ohhmyys !
he`s super funny ndd bad towards didi -.-
aniiwae , off to readd story books liiaos !

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