Friday, February 8, 2008

hohohos ! iim back to post liiaos ~~ haaas .
jus back from wanqiin hse ! lols ~~
haaas ~ ytdd went to federiick hse aroundd 9 plus ..
damn damn paiisehhs uu noe !? iim th only gal ..
lols ! aniiwae , was driinkiinq andd sot of drunk ? -.-
haaaaas ~ but nobodys care , cos iim alone .. lols !
took photo wiif alotof ppl lahhr , cos iim boriinq !
took wiif Auggy , Jiahan , Nelson , Guanleonq && other :x
also chiit-chatiinq lahhr ~ lols ! damn fun ;D
then playedd blackjack till 2am plus , lols ~
went to hadd prata then , was damn full :x
andd ii diidnt even finishh lahhr ~~ lols !
then went to iinter andd meet diino they all ;D
lols ! slackiinq , cam-whoriinq , andd doiinq nth ~
went to northpark awhiile then jiiu went home liiaoos ~~
diino send mii home , thks ;D ! hm ardd 4am ~~
ohhmyys , iim alrdy so late , can uu iimaqiine hiim ?
he hadd to cab home -.- lols ! went to slp ardd 5am ~
damndamn tiiredd lahhr ! haiiyohhrs ~~~
went to mama hse aroundd 9am plus , haaaaas !
happy happy new year ;D ! was chit-chatiinq toos ~
then jiiu went back home andd meet daddy they all .
go to temple 1st andd saw tianyiinqMEI ;D !
haaaaaas ~ lols ! so qiiaos can ;D ! her siis iis so look liik her ~
aniiwae , went to ahmah hse andd we are th 2nd tiis year ;(
haaas ! we usedd to be th 1st one siiahhs , but nvm ;D
lols ! waitedd for th rest to come andd took anqbaos :x
haaaaaas ! thks for giifiinq mii anqbaos ;D ~~ LOLS ..
then to 206 andd as usual , to 388 ~ haaaas !
but ii was liik left out siias ! lols ~~ cos all chatiinq , iim alone .
lols ! but after dat talk to carmen andd was fiine liiaos ;)
was playiinq blackjack andd ii lost $20 plus ! hurhur ~
so pathetiic lahhr ~ lols ! rmb-iinq my 6th uncle de nuer .
yeeliinq , she came today ! haaas ~ ohhmyys , she`s pretty ;D
chat chat chat , diidnt manaqe to take photos :( nvm lahhr !
exchanqe number liiaoos ~ lols ! so gonna keep contact ;D
andd now we are at my hse now ~ haaas ! later 11.30pm ~
meetiinq YZ for moviie ! haaaas ~ gonna watchh Jay`s show .
lols ! andd Sat iim nt sure liiaoo bahhr ? see how lohhr .
cos ii got go or nt also nvm de bahhr ? lols ! no diifferennce ;D
ohhyahhr , diino andd mii gonna take photo on sat ;D
lols ! ok , iim off to play blackjack wiif them liiaoos ~~
photos will be postedd @ friiendster soons , byyeess ;D

Taq Repliedd :
HansiianqKOR : boooo ! thks thks ;D HAPPYNEWYEAR !
Aliice : HAPPY CNY ;D
Cousiin [ SF ] : yeayea ;D ! cya tmrr okks ? ilys ;D
Madeliine : thks thks ;D ! ii also tiiredd ~ watchiinq miidniite somemore :x

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