Monday, February 25, 2008


back postiinq ! haaas ~ ytd diidnt get to post !
cos korkor fren usiinq , tmd :x lols ~~
aniiwae , ytdd meet charr aroundd 2 plus at iinter .
bouqht madmad`s bdae cardd ndd meet lonqlonq they all .
walk to madmad hse , ndd went up her hse .
lols ! they help mii make up -.- damn weiird lahhs :x
but okok lahhs , then took bus34 to punqqol iinter ~
waiitedd for th shuttle bus , but ardd 6.30 then reachh -.-
so 12 of us cabb thr , lols ! th taxii driiver kiinda bliind ?
haaaas ~ th roadd siiqn iis soso biiq ndd he diidnt see ~
then we haf to pay extra $1 -.- madmad pay ;D
haaaaaas ~ reachh thr andd was playiinq th swiinq !
soso fun , they all get giiddy after awhiile , but nt mii ;D
dont noe ehhs , iim nt giiddy at all ! haaas ~ then eat buffet .
lols ! after awhiile , everyone iis gone ~~ left mii on th swiinq !
hurhur , ardd 8 plus took th shuttle bus back to punqqol iinter .
ndd took bus34 back to tampiines ~ lols ! went to yujun hse .
cos he wantedd to take smth , haaas ! hiis hse , scarry siiohs ~~
got DOG -.- haaaas . mii ndd charr was soso scare siiahhs .
but no choiiice , we wantedd to use th toiilet urqently ~~ haaas!
then walk to safra ndd meet th rest ;D damn biiq qroup de us !
meet auqqy , heiiheii , duck && friiendss ~ too many ppl liiaoos .
saw ciindy mamii ! haaaas ~ miiss her damn lots ;D lols !
then was cam-whoriinq wiif manii ppl ;D ~ haaaaaas ..
usedd yuekaii`s phone , was damndamn clear lahhs ! Lols ~
5meqapiixels leiis ! haaaaas . ndd was crappyy ardd !
helpiinq other to create another name , lols ! damn funny lahhs ~
heiiheii`s iis peterson ! ndd lonqlonq`s miike -.- haaaaaaas !
lastly , yujun`s name iis nt peanut liiaos , iis BONNY ! haas ~
yuekaii ndd weiiconq lahhs , they are becomiinq worst ~~
ardd 12 plus , sanq bdae sonq to madmad && bash her :X
haaaas ! ciindy help mii , thks lahhs ~ tiink she`s iin paiin .
was watchiinq them play ndd chiit-chat ! lols ~~ thks lahhs .
ii feel muchh better ;D aniiwae , 12 plus bus-edd home wiif weiiconq ~
ndd th rest cab home ! hurhur ~ ytd niite was waitiinq for my turn .
to use computer , but kor friiendd keep contiinue hiis DOTA !
ohhmyys , DOTA seriiously sucks ! waiitedd for 30miin then ii get to use .
hurhur ! use dao 2am plus ndd ii went to slp ;D damn tiiredd lahhs !
today wake up ardd 12 plus , haaaaas ! mamii was goiinq out alrdy ~
hurhur ! ate ham && eqqs she preparedd , niice niice ;D haaaas ~
later gonna do art , ndd hmwk ;D maybe shunbiian piiano !
haaaaas ~ ytdd 5th aunt came ndd she`s iinterestedd iin my piiano -.-
cos ii pocket mahhs ! can briinq ardd dehhs , lols ~ so , yahhs .
she gave mii anqbao now -.- haaaaas ! new year over liiao leiis ;D
but she dont miind ;D haaaaas ~ ok lahhs , photos tiime now !

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