Friday, February 1, 2008

#21 - English lesson :D

Boooooooooooo ! I'm back posting :D Haha, having English lesson now, need to read short stories ~.~ Blablabla ! So stupid uh.... Had art lesson today, draw 13 liao ! Woooo ~ But only 5 out of 13 can be used.... :( Cause not related to Kitchen, walaooooo ! Then the other pictures must paste at mindmap ba ? LOL, ok la ! Must do homework liao..... Byeeeee ! Later having house meeting :D

Last day of Jan, no comment !
Not welcoming February, valentine :(

{ Updated @ 3.57pm }
Back home, boringgggggg ! Had house meeting just now.... Is like so little space nia.... Haiya ! Having headache thanks to the people shouting over there.... Like hell you know ? Ok, I'm so tired and I still had to decorate my house.... Whatever la, so xinku :( Flu + Headache, am I dying.... HAHAHA, okbye :D

Jealous = 104% !

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