Sunday, February 3, 2008

back postiinq ~ haaaas . woke up @ aroundd 10 plus bahhr ?
lols ! was searchiinq for skiins lahhr . but nvr searchh dao ~~
then wentto preparedd andd waiitedd for mamii to be home ..
lols ~~ then went to siimeii andd hadd lunchh ! niiceniice ^^
hadd sushii lahhr ~ lols ! then didi bouqht clothes , lols ~
look smart uhh x) lalalalas ! then MRT-edd back to tampiines .
lols ~~ was walkiinq but see NTH ! cos liik no moodd nahhr .
then nvr bu dao anythiinq lohhr ? haaaas ~ ohh yahhr ..
@ MRT statiion saw leonardd they all , basketball derrhhs ~
lols ! then was boredd , so took MRT to bedok , saw liincoln !
haaaaas ~ they goiinq somewhere nahhr , lols ~~
reachh bedok andd didi bouqht one clothes agaiins ~~
btw , saw nelsonKOR && louiisERZI ! haaaaaas ~ lols .
they are shoppiinq too ! haaas . seems so fatedd uhhs ?
cos everywhr we go , we saw them ^^ haaaas ! watever ~
lols ! was buyiinq KFC , then daddy came fetchh us to 400 ++
he liik mood not gd ? lols ! tiinkk iis bonus pay bahhr ? haas .
then hadd diinnerr andd was bloatedd uu noe !? cos hadd KFC x)
lalalalalas ~~ went to "shop" for CNY food too . lols !
liik nth muchh ? cos not gonna iinviite ppl mahhr ~ haaaas .
but bouqht alot of driinks , haaaa ! so dat ii can driink ;D ~
then daddy fetchh us home andd now iim postiinq xD ! lame ..
tmrr goiinq out wiif cousiin ! haaaas ~ happy happy *

ii`ve no comment , but sad ?

Taqs Repliied :
Yoko : okkayyes ^^ cya iin schh uhhs !
PASSERBY : err , x)

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