Monday, January 28, 2008

#18 - Silly Boy :)

Back posting, continued from where I mentioned I meet ZW ! Went Tmart & meet them, just a simple meet up with chats ~ With JM also ! Wanted to call Audrey, but we guess she must be tonning last nights, not enough sleep uh ~ Anyway, went McDonald and was chatting with ZJ ! Damn funny, we were throwing sauces here and there, this guy accidentally hit XT & we got scolded by her ~ Awwww, headed back to my house except ZJ cos he gonna work ! So ya, played cards & mahjong at my house ~ After that went to XY house ! Gonna do homework homework, *faints* ! Till 9pm, Adrian came along too ! And now I'm home alrdy ^^ He's so funny, thought I'm angry with him cos I didn't talk to him ~ So silly ^^ I'm just too tired ! Okay done, bye ~

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