Friday, January 25, 2008

#15 - BB competition :D

Im back posting already ~ Laugh, Xiuyi had not been turning up for school for 3 days due to her fever ! But well, she's coming back tmr ^^ Today had ART lesson & passed up the mindmap already ! Kinda stress, end of Jan gotta hand up 10 sketches ~ Hope I'll be able to complete it on time ? Well, today's the olevel result is out ~ Kinda excited for them ! Heard that some of them did badly, but I know Dion & Zhijian got 21 ~ Congrats for them :D After school cabbed to Anglican High School ! Went to support the guys ~ They are very nervous I guess ? And they lost the match, all of them went moody ~ Well, at least they tried their best ba ! Anyway, took school bus back to school and had lunch ~ Headed back to Juan house, then to my house . Tmr Im gonna have physic test ! Omg, Im gonna go study now, byeeeee ~

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