Monday, January 14, 2008

#9 - Spreeeeeeee ♥

Heyohs ! It's me again ~ Laughs, changed my blogskins again . Well, cause Im too bored ! I have so many homework to be done man... Going crazy man ! Well, CCA fair on friday was a good one ~ Help out with the Chinese dancers ! Well, nthg much . Went home together with Chinkiat ! He needs help in Olvl thingy, and Im gonna help him ~ Laughs . Anyway, ytd went to buy bag with Peijuan, Louis & Adrian ! Laughs, couldnt really find one that I like ? Well, bought a black one instead . Laughs, dinner at my house ~ Mahjong session . Laughs ! Adrian was really funny, but at least he made us laugh ~ Around 9 plus they headed home ! Well, did maths qns after they left ~ All the way till 2am, at least I did 20qns alrights ! Laughs, now Im going to bath, gotta acc Peijuan for her hair cut ~ And adrian is coming to do his F&N too !

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