Happy Valentine Day ♥
It's our 5th Vday together ! Although we're only tgthr for 4 years.....
Anyway, went out for dinner after Baby's work. Dinner @ Sakae Sushi !
A pretty short yet sweet vday spent with dearest boy.
Happy 4th Year Anniversary ♥♥
Enjoyed myself very much, although there's some bad experience....
Well, we went for our 1st Popeyes @ Bedok Point.
Extremely bad experience. We queued for 45 mins !
I doubt Popeyes is considered as a fast-food restaurant?

Anyway......... Went ECP right after lunch at Bedok Point.
It's our first trip to ECP together. like after 4 years....
But well, really enjoyed it although we merely went cycling.
Rent bike for 3 hours, I guess we cycled the whole of ECP. HAHA.
Loving these moment where we can talk about anything ♥

Back to Bedok Mall for dinner, had Pizza Hut.
Although it's not any expensive restaurant, but I really appreciate it.
Baby, I really appreciate your effort in every single thing you did for me.
Thank you for doting me so much every single day, like a princess ♥
Don't worry, I never leave you no matter what happen.
I'll be there for you when you need me, no need me I also will be there!
I love you baby ♥