Happy 2014 ! I won't be posting my resolution or what happen in 2013 today..
Just some thoughts I'm having these few days, pretty emotional I must say.
I'm gonna graduate in less than 1 month, yes time flies so super fast I swear.
But guess what, you'll be surprise I believe. I have no plans yet, yes no plan...
I got no idea what should I do, work or study ? Working as ? Study what ?
To be frank, going to Polytechnic is like what I need to have, not what I want.
Not trying to say that I regret, but probably I could have studied in smthg else ?
Of cause I don't wanna just stop a being a diploma holder, yes I want degree.
But studying in university, no matter it's local/global, it's expensiveeeeee :(
Definitely I'll need to work first, probably some admin jobs in Banking line ?
Further studies..... Hmmm, really need to plan out and think of what to study.
But probably not so soon, gonna enter the cruel working industry, ohmygod.
Moving on....
I overheard somebody telling me, I'm not putting effort in my friendship.
Well oh well, I actually doubt myself for that. Probably I really did little stuff.
I'm not somebody who will express my care and concern to good friends.
I don't have any like 'cliques' from my secondary or primary schools.
Pretty anti-social in the past, I guess that's why I'm such a loner now T.T
But well, even though I kinda like have more friend in Poly, so what ?
After graduation, what will we be like ? I mean like we'll have our own life.
You'll all have your own partner, and slowly I think we'll just fade away.
Just like how some of my secondary friends fade away from me.....
Probably it's really me, being not friendly or concern enough ?
Or maybe they just don't like hanging out with me, I'm too boring.
I don't know, I really don't know. I mean like, what's wrong with me.
Isn't good friend supposed to be there, even if they are not the perfect?
I know I may not show so much concern, but I actually does care.
Dropping a msg once a while may seems nothing to you, I know right.
But to me it's just like sending regards, what's wrong with that ?
Maybe it's me thinking this way, that's why I have no friend, haha.
Whatever, bye.