How's your weekend everybody ? Mine was great !
Work on Saturday, and movie date with babylove at night.
Pretty sweet, and it's been so long since we had movie ;)
Accidentally book the 3D version of Ironman3, *careless*

So ya, went for the movie at 1130pm ! Pretty late one.
Cause the ticket are running really fast ~ Typical singaporean....
I AM ONE TOO. (hehehehehe!)
Book ticket one day before online ! And we got couple seat ♥
It was a really great movie, extremely exciting movie !
The facts that I will get giddy with 3D specs, I finish the movie ~
It's just way too amazing and exciting ! Especially Tony Stark ;)
Spent my whole Sunday at home, doing nothing, and I love it this way !
Back to reality tomorrow, schooling at 2pm make me feel so blessed ~
But I really got nothing to whine about school, timetable is too good !
Ok-bye ♥

Since I'm so free, another blog post before May arrive !
This week had been a pretty eventful week, lovely week :D
Everyday in school with Jiemin, laugh and laugh and laugh !
Happily enjoying school... Timetable is really really slack.
Everyday less than 6 hours of lesson in school. SHIOK ♥

OHYA. On Thursday we had APEL lesson, and the girls is back !
Every Thursday they have to get back to school for 1 hour APEL.
So ya, lesson ended at 2pm and we headed off to White Sand :D
Beadstreet is opened at White Sand ! Okay need to maintain.
In case you don't know what shop is that....
Photo Credit : www.whitesand.com.sg
They actually sell handphone (ip4,ip5,s3,n2) cases at $2-$5 only !
Super-duper cheap right ? Ya, we spent quite alot there :/
Anyway, headed to work after that ! Since I got time ~
Crowd was pretty inconsistent. Didn't had time to rest.....
Ended work late and lesson at 9am today, SHAG MAX.

Received all my bags that I ordered/bought ! 3 bags ^^
One of it was bought from Jiemin's workplace, $22 only !
Another one from Nichelle, black leather tote bag from online ;)
And the last one, KANKEN.
Bought it at www.qoo10.sg ! Pricing of $78.
Didn't check if it's authentic, but now I know it's isn't :'(
A little disappointed, actually there's some diff at the logo there.
But well, I'll still use uh ! Probably hide the logo or smthg, HAHA !

Really need to stop shopping. LIKE SERIOUSLY.
But I need a new wallet, more shorts, more shoes.....
Ok need to sleep, working tomorrow !
HELLO ! I'm finally back posting again :D
So so sorry for not posting this holiday...... TOO BUSY !
Busy with work, outings and family gathering ~
And finally school start today.
Supposed to be starting intern with the girls !
But I've exception, because...
Okay, it's the overseas intern at Shanghai :D
Gonna be going with Liling on 9 July.
78 more days.....
But anyway, I need to go for lesson with the others.
And I've got no timetable at all, no idea what class I am in...
So I just go for all lesson, and it's 9am today !
Meet up with Limin at Mart and head to sch tgthr !
Being early for the 1st day of school, HAHA.
School was boring..... TOTALLY.
4hours of Practical, but I don't belong there.
I belong to Jiemin's class ♥

Meet up with Jiemin for lunch, had McDonalds !
First day of school, the crowd was totally crazy.....
Took our own sweet time for lesson.
It's Chanmui you see.... HAHA.
Anyway, 9am again tomorrow :'(
But I can skip. HOHO !
4pm end school lo :D
Headed back home and I doze off.
So tired on first day, OMG....
Dinner with babylove ♥

So this is my first day of school, speechless.
First splitting of class with no Weeyin and Aijia....
Need to get used to it, soon. But I got Jiemin ♥
Timetable was pretty slack I must say, but.....
Tutorial, Practical, Lecture.... ALL HER.
But well, just gonna accept the facts.
Ok I think I'm done.
Extremely sleepy, nights ♥