First week of school ended ! Time pass pretty fast in school...
But some lesson are really draggyyyyyyyyyy.. *like-vincent* !
Anyway, had an enjoyable week in school ! Especially with cliques ♥
First day of school, my spec spoilt.... ~!@#$%^&*()~!@#$%^&*()
Being a blind cat in class is seriously no joke, super impatient w/ myself...
Went 400 plus to repair immediately after school, take away western, blabla..
Day 2 ! Lesson as usual at 9am... A scripting day for us, 4hrs straight TnT !
Feeling super terrible in class, flu oh flu.... Not enough sleep I guess ?
Supposed to be working from 6-10pm, didn't went because I way too sick....
Head back home right after lesson, went for nap around 6-10pm ! *pork*
Okay... Wednesday and Thursday are both boring.... A total of 9hrs with Vincent ~
Ohya, let me introduce you this new lecturer of ours, replacement of Patrick :(
NO IDEA WHY, his lesson seems super long and draggy, boring ttm I swear ~
And we see him like almost everyday, like 3 out of 5 days in a week, WTF ?
OH ! Best meal of the week, Steamboat with WY, JM & Gary :D
We may not be close, but still we'll meet up for gossip session !
And of cause, a somebody to talk to when we're upset of troubled ♥
Ending this post with a photo of my lovely cliques ♥♥

#QOTD : 因为失去,才更懂得珍惜...