Hi all, I'm back with super lots of photo ^^
First of all, Happy Belated Birthday to Gerald Tey !
Headed down to his birthday chalet last Saturday ~
Pretty nice catching up with them after so long !
Reach there around 4pm, and the buffet is here !!
I shall let the photo do the saying.....

Here's some photos of him, with his friends, and us !

Cut the cake at 7pm, I think his family need to go off early...
Anyway, here's the photo, the cake look pretty familiar ?
YES, it's almost the same as mine, both from Prima Deli !

Xinpei & me, Me & Gereld ^^
And the group of us, with the guys :)

Intention : Take with Xinpei !
Result : The guys appear behind......
In the end : Happy taking photo xD

And as usual, ABSOLUTE VOLKA...
Okay, let me explain this photo !
We used to be close, but lost contact ~
So ya, took this chance to take photo !
Here's the rest of the photo ! They were late.....

Yeah, finally done with this super long post ^^
Managed to squeeze sometime to update about it !
Had a great catch up with them, nice gathering :D
It's week15 next week, and I've got 5 task...
DBIS submission, SADS submission + presentation...
CMSK presentation, DSAG labtest.... SO MANY :(
Just pray that I won't die upon insufficient sleep !