Okayyyy ! I'm back posting :D Sorry for not updating for like 10 days ? I've been really busy with schools & outing ! Okay, firstly talking about my orientation ? My orientation was overall fun & it made me know more friends :D Including the OL, they are helpful in some ways & I have my own cliques too ~ But anyway, enjoyed my last weekend ! Friday went cousin's house for swimming & BBQ :D Enjoyed myself alot & meet up with baby after that ~ He stayed overnight ! Saturday went swimming again with ITE classmates ~ Quite a nice catch up with them ? Head over to Baby's house nearby for meal, accompany him home after that ! Okay, we totally fall asleep all the way till 9 plus ~ So in the end, cab back my home ! He stayed for another night :D
Sunday, headed for movie with Yvonne & Ervin ! Watch "Hall Pass" :) Not so bad movie, but I didn't know it's a M18 movie ! But anyway, while waiting for the showtime, we went for beancurd AGAIN :D I'm so in love with beancurd man ! Headed home myself & prepare for school on Monday :D Okay, from first day till yesterday, it's mostly introduction to course & some basic of the course ! But assignment & projects are already given ~ But well, I enjoyed my day in school with my classmates alot :) OHYA yesterday, finally collected my new baby "MacBook Pro" ! Hahahahah, so damn happy & I've been nagging & nagging in class keep repeating that I wants to collect my MacBook ! Hahah, when I finally got it, they gave me that face, "Happy already right!?" Hahahaha ~ Anyway, cabbed home & waited for baby at home for dinner ! His dad fetch him home around 10 plus ?
TODAY ! I had no lesson, shiok shiok :D But woke up around 8am, I'm used to it already -.- Okay, so woke up, was fiddling with my MacBook ! Gotta get used to it, it's different from Windows ~ And I've been waiting for the DPEX packet to come from 2pm... The time slot I selected is 2pm-6pm ! And it's 6pm now...
So ya ! Happy waiting :(
Friday, April 29, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Orientation :)
Meet up with cousins & baby on Monday ! Headed over to SP, and I think I look like a freaking idiot over there ? Cos I don't really know the way there ! So ya, waited for YZ but his lesson was delayed ! So in the end waited for 2 hours ? Hahah, MRT-ed to Bugis & walk over for Selegie Beancurd (≧◡≦)
But went for Chicken rice first before that ! And lucky enough, YZ picked up $10 from the floor ~ Hahah, so we paid $2 for the chicken rice, including drinks :DD Spend another $2 on the beancurd & we're like so damn super full ! So MRT-ed back home, and that's my monday :)
I enjoyed my orientation quite alot ? It's much better than I expected ! Couldn't get to sleep, not bcos I'm nervous or excited okay ! I just couldn't get to sleep, managed to sleep at 5am, but my alarm is 645am :( So ya, meet up with those people & headed off to gather ! Orientation are the same, first few hours all will be like mute, including me :p So our orientation are like this, but after lunch.... Things got better & we enjoyed those game !
Especially the water game, totally damn fun :) Had blister on my leg, cos we didn't want to get wet in our shoe, so we walk bared foot ! And, I feel kinda unwell after that cos I'm totally drenched ~ And I managed to head home around 7pm ? Missed out the night walk & I heard they are watching movie to make it more scary ! Just imagine me walking in the school with them, I'LL CRY I THINK :(
My classmates are not so bad ? Some were anti-socials & some with some "bengs" face ! Totally ruin...... But well, I have awesome classmate who are kinda interesting & fun to chat with ! As for tomorrow,I'm starting at 9am & ends at 12.30pm :D And we'll be having lunch outside with our OL ! And hopefully I can meet baby ? So ya, let's hope tomorrow's another gd day ? Off to sleep, tired :(
Meet up with cousins & baby on Monday ! Headed over to SP, and I think I look like a freaking idiot over there ? Cos I don't really know the way there ! So ya, waited for YZ but his lesson was delayed ! So in the end waited for 2 hours ? Hahah, MRT-ed to Bugis & walk over for Selegie Beancurd (≧◡≦)
But went for Chicken rice first before that ! And lucky enough, YZ picked up $10 from the floor ~ Hahah, so we paid $2 for the chicken rice, including drinks :DD Spend another $2 on the beancurd & we're like so damn super full ! So MRT-ed back home, and that's my monday :)
I enjoyed my orientation quite alot ? It's much better than I expected ! Couldn't get to sleep, not bcos I'm nervous or excited okay ! I just couldn't get to sleep, managed to sleep at 5am, but my alarm is 645am :( So ya, meet up with those people & headed off to gather ! Orientation are the same, first few hours all will be like mute, including me :p So our orientation are like this, but after lunch.... Things got better & we enjoyed those game !
Especially the water game, totally damn fun :) Had blister on my leg, cos we didn't want to get wet in our shoe, so we walk bared foot ! And, I feel kinda unwell after that cos I'm totally drenched ~ And I managed to head home around 7pm ? Missed out the night walk & I heard they are watching movie to make it more scary ! Just imagine me walking in the school with them, I'LL CRY I THINK :(
My classmates are not so bad ? Some were anti-socials & some with some "bengs" face ! Totally ruin...... But well, I have awesome classmate who are kinda interesting & fun to chat with ! As for tomorrow,I'm starting at 9am & ends at 12.30pm :D And we'll be having lunch outside with our OL ! And hopefully I can meet baby ? So ya, let's hope tomorrow's another gd day ? Off to sleep, tired :(
Monday, April 18, 2011
Great weekends ;)
It's monday today & everyone's starting school today ! But not meeeeeeeee :( I haven even started on my orientation ~ Tomorrow tomorrow :) Anyway, last Friday played MJ with mommy & 2 brothers ! I won $3, hahahaha :) And, baby skipped work & we meet for dinner ! Together with both my brothers, we headed off to Bedok 85 :) Ate quite alot, bus home around 10 plus ? Hahaha, play MJ again till 1am plus ! Hungry again & went 445 for supper, back home around 3am ? And we sleep at 5am, hahahahaha :)
Stayed at home till around 3 plus ! Headed off to TM for movie, "The Ultimate Winner" ! This movie lasted for almost 2 hour, it's super draggy & I don't think it's a nice movie ~ Should have watch "Scream 4" instead, hahahahahaha ! Anyway, rush down to Chomp Chomp for dinner, meet up with Yvonne & Ervin ~ Have a hard time looking for seats, but we managed to find & started ordering this and that ~ Quite a nice place to eat, took bus back to Kovan & MRT back to Tampines ! Walk home from interchange, while eating Mcdonald's ice cream ~
Baby's stayed over for another night :D Sunday went to Temple pray with cousin ! While waiting for me, Baby stayed at home play game ~ Chit-chatting with cousin about upcoming poly's life ! I'm the only one in TP, and the rest including were in SP :( Anyway, as usual back my house for gathering ~ And, MJ again ! Hahah, this time round I lose $1 ~ But well, that's my weekend ! OHYA, had KFC for dinner :)
TODAY, I'M SUPER DUPER BORED AT HOME :( Everyone starts school but not me ~ I've rotted at home for hours ! And I'm heading out soon :D Gonna meet baby & cousin for beancurd ! I just feel like eating :D And tomorrow 8am orientation ! Meeting JH, Heen & TH at school gate before gathering ~ Let's hope it will be a good one :D
Off to prepare, meeting baby ♥
Friday, April 15, 2011
1 more day ♥

Back againnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn :)
Went TP yesterday & asked about the orientation thing ! They said they send out the package on 4th & 5th, but our enrollment is done on 6th...... SOYA ! We don't have the package :( But they gave me & asked me to submit on the first day of orientation ~ After that bus to 249, meet GZW over there ! He's so damn damn late I swear ~ But anyway, chatted awhile with my ex-manager's mother, *sighhhhhhhh* ! Life is so unpredictable :(
Anyway ! Walk to interchange to meet baby, but the rain is so horribly heavy ~ Managed to meet baby at T1, and he's mad angry at me :( He asked me to wait for him at the shelter, but yet I walk over without waiting for him ! So, I look so freaking drenched & he look so freaking worried :) We are suppose to go out, but we cabbed home immediately, cos I'm drenched ! So headed straight back home, went to bath immediately & baby went to takeaway Pizza for me cos I'm super hungry :)
A stay-home-day with baby isn't that bad ! I like the chit-chat-session with baby, and how I wish time would stays.... ANYWAY ~ He went home around 10 plus ? Such a short day spent with baby, it's always not enough :( Today I'm gonna rot at hm ? No idea yet, gonna wait for didi to come back & maybe I'll go to 5th aunt house with him ! For now, rotttttttttttttt ~ Gonna accompany mommy go downstair, and get some food to eat !
The moment I got nothing to do at home, I'm consider lifeless !
Thursday, April 14, 2011
New hair colour :)

Hellooooooooooooooooooooo :) Look at my hair color ! Nice right ~ Hahahahaha !
Woke up at 7am this morning, couldn't sleep well at all.... So I woke up around 9am ! Gotta wait for the DPEX's package to be sent to my house ~ Gotta wait & wait, I can't even go down & buy food ! Imagine I went down & in the end they came up :( So ya, I'm gonna wait till they come & then I can go out !
Okay, I just called the DPEX's company ! Asked them is it possible to push forward the delivery time, and they told me my appointment time is from 2pm-6pm ! Anyway, I canceled away ~ And I'm free to go out now :) I'm so hungry now ! I'll see what time Baby's done, so I can like get my things done ~ Kinda busy, gotta go to my ex-manager's wake & headed off to TP to submit my CPF's form ! On the other hand, I'm gotta ask them about the orientation issue, like no email no letter about that :( Keep us waiting ! I think I'll go out around 1pm ? Gonna finish up this update & off I'll head to prepare :)
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Seriously !

Had a super sweet day out with baby yesterday ! Waited for him to finish his orientation, and off we head to Kovan ~ This silly guy had $100 plus coins to deposit to his bank account ! After that, we went Funan IT mall to collect his Lenovo laptop, like so finally ♥ But gotta bring that bulky laptop to Bugis Street, shop around & buy our stuffs ~ Spend quite alot again, bought 2 bottom, 1 top & 1 bag ! Baby bought 3 quarter pants :)
Dinner at Bugis Junction ! Totally headache about what should we eat ~ But well, had our dinner & went back to Tampines ! Took train back :) Had a super sweet day with baby, I don't know why but just sweet ♥ Back tampines, this silly guy was rushing to buy a laptop bag ! So ya, went Popular ~ End of my Tuesday :)
Meet them up, suppose to cab to somewhere near Peace Center ! But we alight at the wrong place, so end up walking over :( Anyway, reached there & CHY bought her hairdryer, we went Rochor Beancurd ! *thumbsup* Was enjoying our beancurd & the moment we look out, IT'S RAINING :( Totally spoil mood, but still we managed to get our way to Bugis ! Took train back to Tampines, bought my scheduler & hair dye ~ Went 201 to takeaway dinner back home, & I've dyed my hair too ! I like it dark :) Hope the colour doesn't fade so fast !
Just received a letter from TP ! Saying that my CPF's form wasn't able to proceed, cos I used liquid fluid :p So ya, gonna submit to them another form tomorrow ! And... One of my ex-colleague passed away few days ago ? Kinda regret not visiting him in the hospital when I actually wanted to, too late I guess.. But anyway, gonna go over to his wake tomorrow morning ? I will get everything done before baby's done with his flag day :)
I really don't understand :(
Monday, April 11, 2011
BFFs ♥

Back ! Had a interesting day with BFFs ~ Meet CHY first, went to collect my medical report, and waited for chuafatfat to cab us to TP ! Submitted those stuff & off we cab to Downtown :) Wanted to buy scheduler, but those book didn't catch my eyes !
So ya, went for Hei Sushi ~ Chuafatfat totally damn ah-hai please ! He keep asking nonsense question & bullshit out of everything -.- Anyway, after that went to take bus 81 to Serangoon NEX ! Walk around, hoping to find some hope for my scheduler, but nothing catch my eyes :( So, merely bought one Little Twins Star's file !
Tomorrow gonna go shopping with baby ! Ha, excited much ♥
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Sunburn :(
Hihi ! I'm back to update :) Saturday went Grandma house for awhile, and meet baby after that at Tamp interchange :) Finally meet him after 3 days of not meeting ? Anyway, went Sakae Sushi with mommy, korkor & baby ! Damn nice, after that went for a small shopping session, mommy's expected that she will spent alot ! Haha, suppose to go bugis with baby but my toothache acts up :( Headed back home & rot :(
But baby stayed overnight ♥ !
Went YCK to pray today, and I swear this is year is different ~ Cos baby went along too ! So ya, kinda fun & interesting ~ Woke up at 730am, *yawns* ! Brushed up & went Tamp 106 for breakfast :) As usual, half-boiled egg ! Damn full, prepared ourself & meet up with the rest at grandma house ! Left there around 10am ? This year I'm seating with daddy's lorry :) So ya, chatting with cousins make trips goes faster, & the whole thing end quite fast ? Headed to 3 different areas, and finally back to grandma house again ! Damn tiring but still we played blackjack xD ! Anyway, back home bath & went out with cousin :)
Suppose to go Pasir Ris for fish spa, but something cropped up ~ So ya, headed to Geylang instead ! Went for late dinner & after that ate TaoHuey ! Damn damn full :) Back home now anyway !
Gonna collect medical report tomorrow, and submit everything to TP ! After that gonna head to Pasir Ris to buy scheduler, eat lunch, bla bla ! Then heading to NEX I think ? Might be meeting baby too ! So ya, tomorrow will be another busy & tiring day ? Might be helping 5th aunt with her company things from Tuesday onward ?
By the way, baby's out with his friend now & I'm waiting for him to be home, I'm tired alrdy :(
But baby stayed overnight ♥ !
Went YCK to pray today, and I swear this is year is different ~ Cos baby went along too ! So ya, kinda fun & interesting ~ Woke up at 730am, *yawns* ! Brushed up & went Tamp 106 for breakfast :) As usual, half-boiled egg ! Damn full, prepared ourself & meet up with the rest at grandma house ! Left there around 10am ? This year I'm seating with daddy's lorry :) So ya, chatting with cousins make trips goes faster, & the whole thing end quite fast ? Headed to 3 different areas, and finally back to grandma house again ! Damn tiring but still we played blackjack xD ! Anyway, back home bath & went out with cousin :)
Suppose to go Pasir Ris for fish spa, but something cropped up ~ So ya, headed to Geylang instead ! Went for late dinner & after that ate TaoHuey ! Damn damn full :) Back home now anyway !
Gonna collect medical report tomorrow, and submit everything to TP ! After that gonna head to Pasir Ris to buy scheduler, eat lunch, bla bla ! Then heading to NEX I think ? Might be meeting baby too ! So ya, tomorrow will be another busy & tiring day ? Might be helping 5th aunt with her company things from Tuesday onward ?
By the way, baby's out with his friend now & I'm waiting for him to be home, I'm tired alrdy :(
Friday, April 8, 2011
Like-a-lifeless :(

Helloooooooooooooooo :D I'm backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk !
Anyway, I'm free from AB now ! *nocomment* And, I'm starting school on 25th ! Enrolled to TP, Mobile & Network Services :> Gonna submit my enrollment stuff on 11th & before that I gonna collect my medical report ! OHYA, went shopping with BFF & chuafatfat ! Keep drawing money, machiam free-flow (≧ω≦) Spend around $200 in one day, OMG ! Bought 3 tops, 2 shoes & 2 bottom ! Meet up with XY at her house for some chat-up, quite a lot to update about :> Headed back home around 11 plus ?
Finally tomorrow I'm meeting up with baby (◕‿◕) He has been busy with his extra-maths-lesson in SP ! I can imagine what will me become of when baby's busy with his studies in future ! I'm sure I will be busy when I start school, right ?
BTW, any nice job to intro ? I need a new job, with attrative pay :>
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